The Miss Santa Fe Scholarship Organization is a 501(c)(4) non-profit committed to helping young women achieve excellence by providing positive growth opportunities. Our mission is to help build confidence, cultivate life skills, promote healthy living, distribute scholarships for higher education, and serve our community.
SUCCESS Participating in the Miss America Organization not only helps you pay for college and prepare for a career, it provides an opportunity to gain additional life experience, work on issues of importance to society, enhance your personal and professional skills, and develop your performance-related and other talents.
STYLE Your personal style is like a signature—unique to you and easily recognizable to others, giving you that edge you need for pageant success. Your style should be based solely on what you like, what looks good on you, and how to portray that with confidence.
SERVICE The Miss America Organization founded the platform concept, which requires each contestant to choose an issue about which she cares deeply and that is relevant to our society. Once chosen, titleholders across the country use their stature to address their platform issues with community-service organizations, business and civic leaders, the media, and others.
SCHOLARSHIP Most young women who have competed or are planning to compete have done so to earn scholarships to further their education. It’s vitally important to remember the value of your education as you work through the pageant system. MAO has maintained a decades-old tradition of empowering young women to achieve their personal and professional goals, while providing a forum in which to express their opinions, talent, and intelligence.